Why Every University Student Needs a Water Filter Jug!

by Kiyara Thring

If you're a university student, you're probably busy studying, socialising, and generally trying to make the most of your time. It's easy to forget about the small things, like staying hydrated, but the truth is that drinking enough water is essential for staying healthy and focused. That's why a water filter jug is an essential item for any university student. Here are some of the reasons why a water filter can benefit you as a student:

Saves Money

As a university student, you're likely on a tight budget. Buying bottled water every day can quickly add up and become expensive. A water filter jug is a one-time purchase that can help you save money in the long run. You can refill your jug with tap water instead of constantly buying bottled water.

Removes Impurities

Tap water contains impurities, such as chlorine, and bacteria. A water filter jug can remove these impurities and improve the taste and quality of your drinking water. This is especially important if you live in an older building or in an area with poor water quality.


Choosing to use a water filter jug instead of buying bottled water is an eco-friendly choice. It reduces the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and oceans. By using a water filter jug, you can make a small but significant impact on the environment.


Convenience is key for university students, and a water filter jug is a convenient way to ensure that you always have clean drinking water available. Whether you're rushing to class or studying in the library, you can easily fill up your water bottle with clean, fresh water from your water filter jug. Plus, keeping the jug on your desk in your room serves as a reminder to stay hydrated throughout the day. This is especially helpful for those who don't have access to a kitchen in their dorm or who are living in a shared space.

Promotes Health

Drinking enough water is essential for maintaining good health. It helps to keep you hydrated, which is important for your brain function, energy levels, and overall well-being. By using a water filter jug, you can ensure that the water you're drinking is clean and safe, which is especially important if you have a weakened immune system.

Helps with hangovers

One shot too many… we’ve all been there! One of the unpleasant side effects of excessive drinking is a nasty hangover the next day. Drinking plenty of filtered water can help alleviate some of the symptoms of a hangover by flushing out the toxins from your body and rehydrating. Having a water filter jug in your dorm room means you can easily access clean and refreshing water to help you recover from those wild nights out.

A water filter jug is an essential item for any university student. It's a cost-effective, eco-friendly, and convenient way to ensure that you always have clean drinking water available. So, if you don't already have a water filter jug, it's time to invest in one! Your body (and your wallet) will thank you.